Preparing for a university placement can take a long time. From the time the applicants decide to do placement work at a university, they spend a ton of time and energy on the process.
But despite the lengthy preparation, many applicants find themselves in a difficult spot when it comes to the actual application process. Keeping track of all the documents can be confusing, especially because different documents are required during different phases of the process.
Make the university placement application process easier for yourself as well as your applicants by using this Clustdoc template. The template is divided into four sections, with the applicants being able to upload relevant documents for distinct phases of the application process in each section.
In the first section, the applicants will be able to upload their personal documents like a statement of purpose and CV. In the second, they will be able to upload documents that are needed at the time of application. Some of those documents include TOEFL or IELTS scores, transcripts for each university or institution attended, and more.
The third and fourth section allows for the collection of documents required upon selection for interview and those at the time of exam registration respectively.
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