The way people pay has completely changed over time. People now prefer paying with a card over cash. In modern times, people prefer paying digitally to carrying paper money in their wallets.
Regardless of the business domain, most merchants shift to modern payment systems to make it convenient for their customers to pay.
If you are a bank or a merchant card service provider, you have to give your customers access to modern payment options.
But before you enable the merchants to run transactions in minutes using your card payment service, you have to process their merchant card processing request. And there is not one or two clients whose documents you have to process. Every day thousands of merchants send requests for merchant card processing.
While processing clients’ requests, you must collect and scrutinize all legal documents to minimize compliance risk and meet all requirements. Doing it the old way takes a lot of time which is the most valuable asset for your clients.
You will save a lot of time and resources on request processing by automating the process using Clustdoc. It’s a hands-off and straightforward approach to handling merchant card processing requests.
With Clustdoc, you can collect and move forward clients’ requests quicker than ever before. Your processing system will be thorough, structured, and well-integrated giving you the best outcomes.
Your merchant clients no longer have to fill out paperwork. They can now use Clustdoc’s Digital Form Builder tool to fill out forms online interactively and accurately.
Clustdoc’s advanced forms make collecting business information such as business name, address, contact phone, email, and bank data effortless.
Merchants can also easily submit documents to request merchant card processing functionality for their company.
Merchants need to provide project descriptions, projected transaction volumes, e-commerce applications, method descriptions, and other documents to apply for the card processing system.
The Clustdoc platform keeps these files in a separate folder on the cloud when your clients submit them. When you need the documents, you can quickly locate them. You will never longer lose a client record amid your cabinet’s stack of papers.
Many documents must be signed when a merchant applies for a merchant card processing system. They need to sign legal documents such as agreements and policies.
Previously, legal papers had to be printed, signed, and then copied or scanned. Things take a long time to accomplish the traditional way.
The e-signature function in Clustdoc allows you to sign all of your papers in a matter of minutes. You can get legally binding e-signatures using Clustdoc instead of printing, signing, and scanning documents.
To save your time and effort, we designed a merchant card processing template.
Are you ready to process merchant applications and provide your customers with a simple-to-use payment processing solution as a part of your service?
Clustdoc is the most advanced and efficient platform for the documentation process. Use our ready-to-use template and improvise according to your needs to make it even easier. Businesses can now accept card payments right away using your payment service. With Clustdoc, processing client documents will no longer be an issue for you.
Try Clustdoc today, launch your new workflow tomorrow.