Your students are looking for internship opportunities for the fall, summer, or winter semester and your aim is to make the entire process a frictionless ordeal. This internship programme application checklist is the right tool to collect, analyze, and choose the best internship application for your organization. Using this checklist an employer or a career counselor can collect all the documents that may be required from students interested in finding an internship opportunity.
By filling out the application form, students can submit their basic personal details like name, address, phone number, email address, applying for a position, starting date, and more. You can also add more form fields to gather additional information such as professional associations, whether they are domestic or international students, social media profiles, and more using the form builder feature on Clustdoc.
The next step in the internship application process is gathering application materials such as a resume, cover letter, employment certificates from industries, transcripts, letter of recommendation, specific skills-related certifications, research experience, and additional documents. Using the document collection feature, collecting and reviewing application documents is an easy task. The submitted documents are saved online for future references about an applicant.
With this checklist, you can easily notify students about application deadlines, interview dates, and internship deadlines to keep your students updated about new opportunities that they might be interested in applying for.
Transform how you collect internship programme applications from students using this advanced internship programme application checklist.
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