Being a lawyer is an amazing challenge. However, the main two things that create the most difficulties for lawyers are the following.
There are no exact formulas on how to complete projects or legal cases successfully, which means that whether you will win the case or not depends on how creative and tactical you and your team can be for each specific case.
Every new client is an entirely new world that should be carefully studied to find suitable working methods. When you enter new environments every time, there is always a need to be open and grasp the right information before you start.
The initial stage of getting all the details from the client is crucial for the further success of the case, and Clustdoc is here to help you to organize that step effectively.
So, how can you efficiently organize the stage of getting acquainted with the new clients applying for legal assistance?
The probable answer is the new clients receive the application for legal services from you, a document that they should fill in manually to give you initial information about them, their specific cases, and requirements.
However, paperwork is always a hassle. There is a risk of losing an attached document or simply confusing folders of different clients. Especially for a sensitive field like legal, this can be a crucial threat. Firstly, missing even one form can cost valuable information that could otherwise help to have valuable defending arguments. Also, the information people fill in there is highly sensitive, and it’s the Legal company’s responsibility to keep the data protected.
We, at Clustdoc, invented the formula for more accessible collection of legal assistance applications from any client you want to work with.
Using our online client onboarding software, you can easily build a custom intake process including various steps such as:
We’ve built dozens of custom free templates which you can use to manage the intake process without hassle. Click below to discover our solution!
Try Clustdoc today, launch your new workflow tomorrow.