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Collect files and eSignatures, automatically.

Clustdoc is a complete software allowing you to build digital signature workflows and collect files or documents from clients and partners.

Trusted by thousands in 70+ countries

Signature workflows for your business needs.

Clustdoc is built for those who need more than just an online signature such as building an end-to-end onboarding workflow with our secure solution.

Legal Online Signatures

Our secure digital signature software allows you to collect unlimited electronic signature from anyone.

Branded signing Portal

Provide your stakeholders with enhanced security with a branded, password-protected client portal.

File requests & approvals

Also collect documents, files and data as part of your digital signature workflows. Easily.

Team collaboration

Internal communications make it easy for you and your team to manage and review signed documents.

Drag & Drop signature workflow

Create a signature workflow template in your account: add the documents you need to sign, the files you need to collect and review, the information you need to capture from stakeholders.

Signing process automation

Put your process on auto-pilot and run your signature workflows from a branded portal with your logo and colors, you can even customize the domain name and build trust with your stakeholders.

  • Mobile-friendly digital signature
  • Password-protected signing portal
  • Secure client communication

Team collaboration and approvals

Clustdoc automatically groups in folders the files and contracts signed so your team can review them or export them to any of your business tools with a click.

Automate document signing for any business process

Clustdoc helps you automate business and client-facing processes from a single secure platform - client onboarding, employee onboarding, partner onboarding, loan applications and more.

Create a visual signing workflow

CEO at Creativex

Use the drag and drop visual builder map out and end-to-end digital signature workflow. Including reminders and rules.

Run your process with a few clicks

CEO at Orbital

Run digital signature workflows with anyone or automate the whole process from a public portal added to your website.

Review, collaborate and export

Freelance Designer

Review, organize your contracts and documents with your team and export all records to your Google Drive or DropBox.

Secure digital signature software.

Try a secure legally binding digital signature solution that scales with your operations.